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2009 Vol.32 Issue.5,Published 2009-10-15

387 A possible analysis of Chinese buyu
JIN Li-Xin

This paper proposes a new analysis of buyu in terms of the notion of secondary predication. It claims that buyu can be classified into two categories,i.e.,secondary predication and post-posing adverbial. The former predicates the subject or the object after the primary predication,and the latter modifies the predicate as adverbs,adpositional phrases or temporal and verbal classifiers.

2009 Vol. 32 (5): 387-398+479 [Abstract] ( 3924 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 1498 )
2009 Vol. 32 (5): 398-398 [Abstract] ( 2744 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 856 )
399 Syntactic change and lexicalization in Chinese
DONG Xiu-Fang
This paper proposes that some diachronic lexicalizations be induced by syntactic changes of,e. g.,content words,functional words and word order changes. However,syntactic changes are not necessary for the occurrence of lexicalization. The differences between syntactically relevant lexicalization and syntactically irrelevant lexicalization are also discussed.
2009 Vol. 32 (5): 399-409+479 [Abstract] ( 3383 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 1061 )
410 On kaixin (开心) and guanxin (关心)
CUI Xi-Liang
Based on the asymmetry between kaixin ("to be happy",or "to open heart" literally) and guanxin ("to care about",or "to close heart" literally) in modern Chinese,this paper analyzes the semantic evolution paths of kai (to open) and guan (to close) as well as the different paths of the lexical forms kaixin and guanxin. It also explores the cognitive motivation and grammatical mechanism in the process of lexicalization,and explains the asymmetry between kaixin and guanxin from the cognitive perspective.
2009 Vol. 32 (5): 410-418+479 [Abstract] ( 3731 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 993 )
2009 Vol. 32 (5): 418-418 [Abstract] ( 2898 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 812 )
419 The semantic evolution in the development of topic-shift markers
LI Bing-Zhen
This paper assumes that if several similar structural units with the same or similar meanings have the same evolution result,the network of their semantic changes can be reconstructed by overlapping the evolution paths which may have gone through different routes. In modern Chinese,the cross-structural combinations,such as shuodao (说到),shuoqi (说起),zhiyushuo (至于说),zaishuo (再说) and yaoshuo (要说),have developed into topic-shift markers. The paper also analyzes the diachronic and synchronic meanings of these topic-shift markers,and illustrates a semantic network including Route,Hypothesis,Time,Similarity,Enumeration,etc. This semantic network may be of significance in typology.
2009 Vol. 32 (5): 419-428+479-480 [Abstract] ( 3237 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 866 )
2009 Vol. 32 (5): 428-428 [Abstract] ( 2876 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 799 )
429 A sociolinguistic analysis of discourse markers zheige (这个) and neige (那个) in Beijing vernacular
GUO Feng-Lan
Based on Contemporary Beijing Vernacular Corpus (《当代北京口语语料》),this paper makes a statistic analysis of discourse markers zheige (this one) and neige (that one). It finds that the occurrence frequency of the two discourse markers is associated to the degree of the speakers' socialization. The degree of socialization is in direct proportion to the occurrence frequency of zheige ,and in inverse proportion to that of neige . Variations of zheige and neige ,as an extension of the meanings and functions of demonstrative pronouns such as denoting distance,accessibility of psychological distance,etc.,also indicates the speakers' socialization degree. Zheige can be regarded as a discourse marker of strong socialization,and neige as a discourse marker of weak socialization.
2009 Vol. 32 (5): 429-437+480 [Abstract] ( 4150 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 840 )
438 The postpositions suo (所) and bian (边) in medieval translation of Buddhist scriptures
DIAO Chang-Cai
In medieval Buddhist translations,suo and bian in the "Prep + NP所/边 + VP" or "VP + Prep + NP所/边" construction,in which the NP is a noun referring to the person identity or a pronoun (or other nouns in a few cases),have grammaticalized into object relationship postpositions and gained the function of case marker through metonymy and re-analysis. The postpositional usage of suo and bian mainly results from the evolution in Chinese proper,although to some extent it also bears relations to the original Buddhist language.
2009 Vol. 32 (5): 438-447+480 [Abstract] ( 3188 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 898 )
2009 Vol. 32 (5): 448-448 [Abstract] ( 2762 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 863 )
Zhongguo Yuwen
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2009 ©Editorial Office of Zhongguo Yuwen
Supported by: Beijing Magtech